The very first mistake that I made when I started learning web development

Written By: Esam A Kanadily

When i first started learning web development i made a very bad mistake, i was trying to memorize everything that i learn. every css property , every javascript thing that i come across … etc. you got the idea , then very fast i gave up thinking that i am not good enough for web development.

i realized after some several cycles of giving up and trying once again that i don't really need to memorize everything at once. for example when i learn a programming language i just have to know the general idea of how the programming language work, then i start programming with that language i can search online for e.g. syntax and names of APIs.

I am not denying that web development is little overwhelming for beginners mainly because of the large amount of material that you have to cover to be a web developer. however you really don't need to know everything to start developing web sites, you can start with relatively shallowish knowledge of the subject, but keep in mind that in the long run you need to acquire deeper knowledge and skills that will come with practice.

for me that was what made my day. please don't make the mistake that i made OK OK.

 Date: 03-07-2022
 Tags:  General

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